Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Salut! To Beginnings

Coffee and laughter at Starbucks, with S, whom I have known, in his words, forever and a day. Wandering around the city for a few hours. Chicken rolls with plenty of chopped green chillies from the friendly Moti-da at Kati Roll Company. Midnight on a subway, in the bowels of the earth, while trying to figure out which stop to get off at. Brooklyn. Alcohol, food and much watching of childhood Indian ads on YouTube. Loud music and inane dancing. Watching dawn break over mid-town, on the first day of the year.

A great beginning for what I hope will be a wondrous, active year for me - and for you. Happy new year, oh ye who still pop by.


Tabula Rasa said...

nice. a few years ago i was dragged to the brooklyn bridge for the big moment. froze my extremities off. underground sounds a lot more practical.

livinghigh said...

hehe. happy new yr.

Cynic in Wonderland said...

Happy New Year to thee!

yesbob said...

heya , doing good !! Happy New Year wishes !! How're you faring ?

Phantasmagoria said...

Thankoo, thankoo and same to you.